Our blog

Using our expert knowledge gained over 20 years running successful digital projects and campaigns, we've created a bunch of free, in-depth resources that give the low down on all things digital.


Jacob Howell

Jacob Howell

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Recent Posts

How can the CRM movement in social housing support your customers?

This strategic move not only reflects a desire to bridge the gap with other

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Putting your Customers at the Heart of Innovation in Social Housing

At the start of April 2024 we saw the introduction of the new regulations come

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26 / 06 / 2023

Self Service

Bespoke or Off-the-Shelf: How to choose the right platform for your self-service housing portal

When it comes to procuring a self-service tenant portal, you have the option of

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02 / 06 / 2023

Self Service

Why you should give tenants the freedom to report repairs online

According to a global customer service report provided by Microsoft, 90% of

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20 / 04 / 2023

Prodo Insights, Housing

Hear all the Buzz about the Housing Hive’s 3rd Birthday

This month, the Housing Hive is turning three and we thought we’d take the

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10 / 03 / 2023

Channel Shift

Prodo becomes a PfH-approved supplier with new mobile app

We are proud to announce our mobile app has been approved on the PfH SHED 2

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21 / 11 / 2022

The key features of Google Analytics 4

In this article, we will be discussing the new Google Analytics 4 (GA4)

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21 / 11 / 2022

Website Development

Umbraco V7 is coming to an end: now what?

Umbraco CMS upgrades are designed to provide organisations with a more secure

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11 / 03 / 2022

Housing, Website Development

Midland Heart’s fresh, responsive and optimised new website

We’re delighted to announce the launch of leading social housing landlord

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