Hear all the Buzz about the Housing Hive’s 3rd Birthday
20 / 04 / 2023

Hear all the Buzz about the Housing Hive’s 3rd Birthday

This month, the Housing Hive is turning three and we thought we’d take the opportunity to look back over the past three years to see how our Housing Hive has become the community it is today.

This month, the Housing Hive is turning three and we thought we’d take the opportunity to look back over the past three years to see how our Housing Hive has become the community it is today.

Throughout our 25+ years in the industry, one of the main things we love about the housing sector is the way associations will share best practice tips and information with each other. With the Hive starting in 2020 as a way to bring us all together during the Covid-19 pandemic, we felt there was no better time to collaborate and communicate on all things digital transformation; building an even stronger community within the sector.

With housing professionals coming together from all over the country, the Housing Hive allowed for collaboration on a bigger scale, being able to support each other by sharing ideas that associations have found to have worked and to discuss how to improve other areas where some associations may be struggling.

The Hive is going from strength to strength, with us discussing a whole range of topics over the last three years. The types of issues discussed have included:

  • Responding to the cost of living crisis
  • Rebuild or refresh - What’s right for your website?
  • Handling cyber security risks in housing
  • How video can humanise digital contact
  • How to quickly gather and use data for Tenant Satisfaction Measures

Over the past three years our Head of Sales, Jacob Howell and our Head of Client Services, Jenny Bradshaw have led the Housing Hives with a number of housing professionals from associations across the UK. 

Talking about the Hive’s collaborative approach, Jacob said, “At a time when we really needed to rely on each other, joining together for the Hives gave the housing sector an opportunity to not only get together but to share ideas about things that had worked for them, or to ask questions on issues they may need answers for. It also gave us the opportunity, as a digital agency, to share from our perspective some tips on enhacing digital transformation, implementing successful channel shift options for example, to maybe help to solve some of these challenges, together.”

Housing Associations that have taken part in the Hives have included:

  • Stockport Homes
  • Guinness Homes
  • PA Housing
  • Plymouth Community Homes
  • York Housing
  • Hyde Housing
  • RBH

We’ve loved being able to bring the housing industry together to discuss ways to better perform and function for tenants across the country, and it’s not just us that feel like that, Justine Thompson, Lead Transformation Partner at Silva Homes said, “I love that the Housing Hive gives me a chance to engage with other housing professionals, who I wouldn’t usually get to speak with. The success stories have been great, as have the ideas from across the sector!”

If you’d like to view some of our past Housing Hives, you can access them via our Video Hub.

Our Housing Hive this month will be talking about all things AI and how the Social Housing sector can utilise this technology to benefit residents. Join us for our birthday where we’ll discuss, ‘Unlocking the Potential of AI in Social Housing: Use Cases and Best Practices’.

Here’s to the next three years! 🙌

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